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The Plate (shown top right) is
All New/Excellent condition (unless otherwise specified) and include original book jackets
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The Racing Breed ,
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info on all aspects of racing, orig. $34.95. ($18.00 NOW
The Sporting Horse
, 1976 (1st printing) 120 pages by Peter Churchill
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The Thoroughbred
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Good condition. ($9.00)$6.00
Ainslie's Complete Guide To
Thoroughbred Racing , 1968, by Tom Ainslie -
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Popular Sport - The first encyclopedia of the game, how the
expert bettors win, lots of photos ($9.00)
Against the Odds, Riding for my Life, by Jerry Bailey. 2005, 240 pages. Bailey, 47, exposes the risks jockeys face during a race, the corruption rampant at some tracks, the nobility of racehorses, the arrogance and humility of various owners and the thrill of winning. He recalls his boyhood excitement at racing horses against neighborhood friends in his native Texas. Driven by his love of horses and his competitive spirit, he entered the racing world, first as a trainer, and eventually becoming a world-class jockey. Yet early in his career, he drifted into alcoholism...new condition ($9.00)
480 pages, 2001 by Laura Hillenbrand. "A captivating
story...with the detail of good history, the blistering pace of Seabiscuit
himself and the charm of grand legend". New condition, never read ($5.00)
Ainslie's Complete Guide to Thoroughbred Racing , 349 pages. Copyright 1986 by Tom Ainslie. Also in hard cover (above). "The Classic Guide to Everything you need to know to pick winners".($5.00)
Play The Horses … And Win! 1980, 100 pages, a Coles book by T. Flanagan. “The inside track on betting!” ($1.00)
Horses, 159 pages by Kate Reddick, novel size with 167 full colour photos over 125 breeds. Inside cover written on. ($1.00)
Betting Thoroughbreds A Professional’s Guide for the Horseplayer , 1983, 232 pages by Steven Davidowitz - Revised Edition. “Probably the best betting and handicapping book ever written.” Well read—somewhat worn. ($3.00)
Horse Racing , 1966, 96 pages By Walter Osborne. All about the sport and the people and betting, some history and black and white photos. Cover worn. ($1.50)
For more reading material: Misc.